Rainbow Hen Club was originally created by Kroo Joop on 20 April 2015, aiming to be a platform to give out free online resources for early-years children in Thailand. It was initially called as www.rainbowhen.com. The background behind this project is that there are not enough free online resources for parents and teachers in Thailand to use compared to other countries in the developed world.

All of our printable worksheets are all created especially for the website. We follow Anubarn Satsanguan Kindergarten’s early-years’ curriculum in order to produce our materials. The curriculum has been used and developed by the school for more than 40 years and proven to be a successful program for learners, especially in Thai subject. Students who graduate from Kindergarten K3 from the school have high literacy level and are ready to take on difficult subjects when moving on to the Primary level.

Now, we have moved our platform to this current platform with the new name, Rainbow Hen Club! It is always our dream to expand our community to the global level, and now we have created the printable worksheet communities for Laos and Myanmar community. We also have a new section called the International Club. It will be mainly the platform for people from all around the world to pass on their stories, something to learn for the new generations who are in charge of taking care of our world.

We hope that you will enjoy our new platform and contents. If you have any suggestions for our works, please do not hesitate to let us know!