These resources on our shop page are premium resources for sales. They are not available on the free resources to download list. All the money you purchase on our shop here will go to support our team and to maintain the website. If you wish to help us or donate to our Rainbow Hen Fund, please click here.
All resources you purchase are not for re-sales, share to other users online, or any other forms of contributing the resources to other unknown users, or that makes profit. It is for personal, non-commercial use within household or within schools only. All resources are copyrighted.
Read our Terms and Conditions here before purchasing and here is the information of how to download.
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- If you purchase free resources and the resources with price in the same order, you must make the payment before being able to download all of the orders in your basket.
- Once you made your payment, please send in your payment details to our Facebook Page Inbox or through our email stating your order number.
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Monzo Bank
P Intarasombat
Sort Code: 04-00-04
Account Number: 35313675